Co-Design Workshop 3: Review of the student led changes made to the Check-in Tool
When Verso’s Product Manager presented the updated Check-in form, the SRC students were excited to see that the changes were a true representation of their ideas. Some students commented that their peers in other classes would now have a far better opportunity to work with their teachers to make a difference to the way that they learn. They were overwhelmingly excited about the opportunity for students to be part of the change and remarked that we all have to work together to make this happen.
With this in mind, the students also picked up on the use of language on the check-in form. Before selecting an option from the list of ten, the text was changed from “What could I do differently next time?”, which the students recognised put all of the emphasis on the teacher having to make all of the adjustments, to “What could we do differently next time?” which they felt spoke to the partnership and collaborative nature of high agency classrooms. This shift was then picked up by the Verso team and similar changes were made throughout the product.
Verso will continue to partner with the Student Representative Council as we continue to refine the Check-in tool and the way that it can be presented and used within and beyond the scope of the lesson. In 2021 we will be returning to share anonymous usage data with the SRC, so they can see the strategies that students are selecting and consider adaptations to the lists, and the extent to which the emotional responses are progressing from the negative to the positive as students become empowered to connect more closely with their learning.
- About Victorian Student Representative Council (VicSRC) -
VicSRC exists to empower students across Victoria: it is led by students, for students and supports student voice at every level. It consists of a Student Executive Advisory Committee to provide governance and strategic advice to the organisation, and VicSRC student Ambassadors who work together with staff and stakeholders to make change at every level. The VicSRC is auspiced by the Youth Affairs Council Victoria, and funded through the Department of Education and Training Victoria (DET).